In order to provide information on innovative/alternative (I/A) septic systems to the public and to wastewater decision makers , the following pages offer a number of charts, tables and maps of dat...
I/A system owners have the responsibility of keeping their system operating correctly at all times in order to be in compliance with state and local regulations. Find out more about I/A systems here.
If you are an O&M Provider and need help with the database, check here first.
The Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center began in 1999 testing advanced onsite septic treatment technologies. MASSTC continues to conduct testing and allow for the research and development of products that remove the myriad of contaminants found in domestic wastewater. Its facility can accommodate over 20 concurrent tests, allowing companies to conduct research and development on their products or complete any number of standardized test protocols.
Barnstable County is pleased to provide low-interest betterment loans to Cape Cod homeowners faced with the cost of replacing their septic systems.
Cape Cod AquiFund provides financial assistance for septic system replacement, sewer connections, and installation of advanced onsite wastewater treatment units.