Your company information can be viewed at any time, although only the primary contact for this company account can make changes to the form.

  1. Under the heading “Main” click on “Company Profile.”
  2. You will be able to view (or edit, if assigned as the primary contact) the following sections denoted by tabs:
    1. Company – This tab includes information about your company, including the company name, contact information, and the categories of services your company is able to provide. If you wish to change your company name or mailing address, please contact one of our staff members.
    2. Users – This tab lists all users who are able to access and submit information for your company.
    3. Service Area – This tab indicates in which towns, organized by county, your company is able to provide service.
    4. Service Technologies – This tab indicates the list of I/A technologies that your company is certified and willing to service.
  3. Be sure to click on “Save Profile” when finished.

If you are unable to edit your Company Profile and wish to be made the primary contact or provide other updates, please contact a staff member.