Below are interactive box-whisker diagrams of total nitrogen results for various I/A technologies. Use the town and technology selectors to view data for specific towns and technologies. More information about box-whisker diagrams is available here.
The data you are about to review derive from a self-reporting system for alternative onsite septic systems located in 14 of the 15 towns in Barnstable County Massachusetts maintained by the Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment. The mention of any product on this website does not constitute an endorsement by Barnstable County. The validity of the data is qualified only by the licenses and integrity of Licensed Wastewater Treatment Operator who collected the sample and the Massachusetts Certified Laboratory that performed the analyses. This dataset includes samples taken at seasonally-occupied as well as full-time-occupied residences. Data during start up of the systems are also included. The reader/user is cautioned to understand the limits of these data in regard to assessing the performance of any technology and agrees that any re-representation or copying of these data will include the above qualification.
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One fine body…
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